Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/21/2021 - 7:00 PM
Category: New Business and Reports to the Board
Type: Info
Subject: Literacy K-4, Math Recovery, Accelerated Learning
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 2: Instructional Excellence
ACPS will ensure that all students have access to and engagement with high-quality instruction.
Policy: IGBJ - Academic Excellence and Educational Equity
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable)
File Attachment:
211021_Board_Memo_Area_of Focus_K-4_Literacy_v1.pdf
211021_School_board_presentation_Areas_of_Focus (1).pdf
Agenda Item Summary: As a result of the School Board's commitment to early literacy and in alignment with the 2025 Strategic Plan: Equity for All, Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) will focus on its Pre-K–4 students' literacy achievement. Furthermore, the additional focus areas of mathematics recovery and accelerated learning also align with the goal area of instructional excellence. Knowing the importance of these areas on future academic success, ACPS reflects upon and incorporates current research on our instructional best practices.
Background: A vital part of ACPS’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is Tier 1 instruction. The office of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (TLL) has collaborated to update the School Board on the current initiatives underway to address the focus areas adopted for SY 2021–2022:

K–4 literacy
K–12 mathematics
Accelerated learning
English learners (ELs)
Specialized Instruction
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the School Board review information in this memo and the attached presentation.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Terri H. Mozingo - Chief Academic Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. - Superintendent