Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
4/9/2021 - 7:00 PM  
Student Services and Equity  
Update: Equity Audit of School Board Policies  
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 1: Systemic Alignment
ACPS will build a culture of continuous improvement and design equitable systems for school and instructional improvement.
Goal 2: Instructional Excellence
ACPS will ensure that all students have access to and engagement with high-quality instruction.
Goal 3: Student Accessibility and Support
ACPS will ensure students have equitable access to and engagement with programs and supports that reduce barriers to learning.
Goal 4: Strategic Resource Allocation
ACPS will strategically provide differentiated resources and supports to schools and departments.
Goal 5: Family and Community Engagement
ACPS will ensure that all families and community members feel welcomed, respected, and valued.
AC - Nondiscrimination  
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable):
File Attachment:
Agenda Item Summary:
Based on the School Board’s approved fiscal year 2021 budget and the identification as a 2020-2021 school year focus area; Superintendent Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. empowered the Department of Student Services and Equity, in collaboration with the Office of the School Board, to embark on an innovative equity audit of all School Board policies. This brief provides an update on the progress made since the initiative began in December 2020 and a timeline for the ongoing policy review, recommendations and revision process.  
Guided by Superintendent Hutchings and the five goals of the ACPS Strategic Plan 2025: Equity for All, with racial equity at its heart, the policy audit team met with multiple organizations in an effort to secure a consultant partner for conducting the equity audit. During the search, the Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA EAC-South) was recommended by the Director of the VDOE Office of Equity and Community Engagement. IDRA EAC-South’s experiences include working with the Governor's Commission for Social Studies SOL and reviewing and developing policy through an equity lens with a focus on the disparate impacts of policy implementation on marginalized student populations.

The ACPS policy review team convened to work with representatives from IDRA EAC-South in December 2020. The team consists of the Chief of Student Services and Equity, the Executive Director of Alternative Programs and Equity, the Director of Policy and Board Initiatives, the Cultural Competence Coordinator, the Equity Resident and two School Board members, Dr. Michelle Rief and Mr. Christopher Suarez. An update on activities and timeline are included in the brief.
The Superintendent recommends the School Board review the equity audit process and attached timeline in preparation for upcoming audit reports and policy revisions.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Julie Crawford - Chief of Student Services, Alternative Programs and Equity
Signed By:  
Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. - Superintendent