Meeting Date:
4/22/2022 - 7:00 PM
Human Resources
August 2022 Professional Learning Update
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 1: Systemic Alignment ACPS will build a culture of continuous improvement and design equitable systems for school and instructional improvement. Goal 3: Student Accessibility and Support ACPS will ensure students have equitable access to and engagement with programs and supports that reduce barriers to learning.
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable)
File Attachment:
Agenda Item Summary:
The ACPS Leadership team has amended the 2022-2023 Academic School Year Calendar for August 17 and 18 to be established as Division-wide Professional Learning Days (Pink Calendar Days). August 19 is now established as a School Based Professional Learning Day (Yellow Day) allowing for professional learning and time for teachers to prepare classrooms.
The above change does not impact student or staff schedules. The change only addresses dates of staff professional learning.
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board review the professional learning date changes.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt_ - Executive Director of Human Resources
Signed By:
Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. - Superintendent