Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 7/24/2020 - 6:00 AM
Category: Teaching, Learning and Leadership
Type: Info
Subject: Enhanced Continuity of Learning Plan 4.0: Reimagining Schools Update
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 2: Instructional Excellence
ACPS will ensure that all students have access to and engagement with high-quality instruction.
Policy: IA - Instructional Goals and Objectives
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable)
File Attachment:
Detailed Update_Reopening Planning Process.pdf
Guiding Principles.pdf
Cross-Functional Planning Team Members Roster.pdf
Staff and Family Survey Results.pdf
Sample ACPS Schedules.pdf
Agenda Item Summary: Completed Activities + Accomplishments (July 20 - July 24)
● Our Scheduling Crew continues to evaluate schedule options aligned to hybrid + virtual models, highlighting implications, and considerations across financial, operational, staffing, safety, etc. Principals have been heavily involved in creating test school schedules specific for their buildings to identify benefits and limitations to each model.
● Our Cross-Functional Planning Teams continued to make decisions and design solutions to support both Hybrid and Virtual models. Each Core Area distilled their deep conversations and research into a consolidated Playbook of guidance for Principals and School Leaders.
● School and Community Relations (SCR) organized a series of Reopening Community Chats to hear in greater depth about the particular issues that specific communities may face in the fall and begin to work through potential solutions to them. Over 2,100 families and staff participated in the chats, as of Thursday afternoon, with one more community chat scheduled for Friday afternoon and three student-focused chats scheduled for Tuesday, July 28, 2020. Ideas and discussions are being shared with the Cross-Functional Planning Teams for their analysis and consideration and potentially built into the processes and protocols they develop to reopen our schools safely in the fall. In addition, SCR is culling through the questions gathered from the chats to create a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that addresses the main concerns and challenges that our families and staff shared.

Upcoming Activities (July 27 - July 31)
● Once schedule prototypes have been developed for Virtual and Hybrid models, with Division Guidance articulated across each Core Area in the Playbooks, the Cross-Functional Planning Teams will experience a Day in the Life activity to understand how students, staff, and parents could experience both models this year.
● We are assessing each proposed model's feasibility and practicality and building consensus on the best fit model to open SY 2020-2021 based on the following criteria:
● Constraints: Model is possible within current constraints and available resources
● Input: Model supports ACPS community, staff needs, and preferences
● Vision: Model is aligned to ACPS 2025: Equity for All
● We will share which reopening option is feasible on Friday, July 31, 2020, with the School Board and Community via a board brief.

Our upcoming timeline includes these critical milestones
● A full draft plan with specific details will be shared at the School Board meeting on Friday, August 7, 2020.
● An updated plan with details and incorporating feedback from the School Board meeting will be shared with the community on Wednesday, August 12, 2020.
● Our final plan will be uploaded and submitted to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) on Friday, August 14, 2020.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the School Board review the information within this brief and video.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Terri H. Mozingo - Chief Academic Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. - Superintendent