Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/7/2017 - 6:00 AM
Category: Accountability
Type: Info
Subject: Procurement Audit Final Report
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Objective 6.1 Fiscal Policies and Practices
ACPS will plan, manage, monitor, and report spending to provide decision-makers and the community with a reliable, accurate, and complete view of the financial performance of the educational system at all levels.
Policy: DJF - Purchasing Procedures
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable)
File Attachment:
170407_Memo_Procurement Audit.pdf
170407_Procurement Audit Final Report.pdf
Agenda Item Summary: Gibson Consulting Group has completed their audit of the Procurement Department and ACPS management has provided responses to the recommendations in the audit.
Background: After an outside consultant completed a Risk Assessment of ACPS, the School Board approved funding in the FY 2016 Combined Funds Budget for an internal audit program. In spring of 2016 the School Board awarded a contract to Gibson Consulting Group to conduct audits in the following areas: Procurement, Facilities and Payroll.

The Procurement audit was completed by Gibson at the beginning of this year and ACPS Management provided responses to the recommendations in the audit. The report presents commendations as well as recommendations to improve processes, controls, and management practices in the Procurement Department. There are a total of twenty-one recommendations in the audit report; three low priority, ten medium priority and eight high priority. Management agrees with most of the recommendations in the report and has already begun implementing changes in the department.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends review of the audit findings including staff responses and timeline of corrective actions as needed.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Final-Clerk of the Board - Proxy