Meeting Date:
Appoint Amiya Chisolm and Wilmer Carranza as Student Representatives to the School Board |
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Objective 5.2 Values, Experiences, Relationships, and Qualities that Benefit Young People ACPS will help students develop positive attitudes, self-confidence, and self-direction by increasing the values, experiences, relationships, and qualities that have been identified to benefit young people.
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable):
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Agenda Item Summary:
Each year the School Board solicits applications from rising juniors and seniors at T.C. Williams High School for the two Student Representatives to the School Board positions. The application process was open through April 30, 2019. Upon review by the Student Representative Selection Committee, six applicants were recommended for the interviews held by the Board leadership on May 22, 2019. As a result, Amiya Chisolm and Wilmer Carranza have been nominated for Board approval as the 2019-2020 Student Representatives to the School Board. |
In February 2012, the Alexandria City School Board established two High School Student Representatives to the School Board positions for the purpose of creating a direct link between ACPS students and the elected body that governs them. This relationship enables the student body to have input into the policies and direction of the school division. These positions are non-voting and each Student Representative serves an annual term from July 1 through June 30th. |
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board appoint Amiya Chisolm and Wilmer Carranza as the high school Student Representatives to the School Board for 2019-2020. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. - Superintendent |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Ramee A. Gentry Moved, Member Christopher A. Suarez seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends that the School Board appoint Amiya Chisolm and Wilmer Carranza as the high school Student Representatives to the School Board for 2019-2020.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 9 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 9 - 0 | | | Ramee A. Gentry | Yes | Margaret Lorber | Yes | Cindy Anderson | Yes | Veronica R. Nolan | Yes | Meagan L. Alderton | Yes | Christopher A. Suarez | Yes | Jacinta Greene | Yes | Dr. Michelle Rief | Yes | Heather Thornton | Yes | |