Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
4/25/2024 - 6:30 PM  
Consent Calendar  
Community Use of Facilities for March 2024  
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 5: Family and Community Engagement
ACPS will ensure that all families and community members feel welcomed, respected, and valued.
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable):
File Attachment:
240425_Memo_Community Use of Facilities Report_March 2024_v2.pdf
240425_Att1_Community Use of Facilities Report_March 2024.pdf
Agenda Item Summary:
This memo provides an update of Community Use of Facilities for March 2024 for both indoor and outdoor use. In March 2024, indoor use of our facilities included: a Children’s conference, Bible study, Girl Scout meetings, Church services, a PTA community meeting, a community meeting, a community listening session, a Cub Scout meeting, theatre camp, basketball practice, and a PTA spelling bee. Outdoor use of our facilities included a community Easter egg hunt. $5,600.00 was collected for use of schools in March 2024.  
School Board Policy KG, Community Use of Facilities, requires the preparation and issuance of a monthly community use of facilities report. Monthly reports will provide an overview of both ACPS-related and non-ACPS related facilities use.  
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board the March 2024 Community Use of Facilities monthly report.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Erika Gulick - Director of Capital Programs, Planning & Design
Signed By:  
Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt - Superintendent
Vote Results: