Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
1/20/2022 - 6:30 PM  
Items Pulled from Consent Calendar  
Superintendent Contract Provision: Other Work Activities  
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 5: Family and Community Engagement
ACPS will ensure that all families and community members feel welcomed, respected, and valued.
CBD - Superintendents Contract, Compensation and Benefits  
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable):
File Attachment:
Agenda Item Summary:
As a follow-up to an earlier memo by the Division Superintendent to the School Board concerning notice of certain outside activities, and the Board’s approval of those activities, the Division Superintendent is writing briefly to update that information. Specifically, by the memo dated September 9, 2021, the Superintendent, in accordance with Section VIII of his employment contract, notified the Board that he was co-authoring a book concerning public school equity policy with Georgetown University Professor, Dr. Douglas Reed, and that the book was planned for publication sometime in 2022. The Board approved this activity (among others) at the September 9, 2021 School Board Meeting as part of the Consent Calendar.

With publication of the book, now expected in the spring or summer of 2022, the Superintendent is taking this opportunity to clarify that permitted outside activities in connection with the book may include occasional speaking engagements about it, and that some or all of the proceeds of these, and/or the book itself, may be directed to the Superintendent’s LLC, Revolutionary ED, LLC. These activities will not adversely impact the full-time work of the Superintendent, and leave will be taken for any engagements during the work day.
As stipulated in the Superintendent’s current employment contract, Section VIII Other Work Activities:
“The Board may approve activities of the Division Superintendent to include consultative works, speaking engagements, writing, lecturing, teaching, or other professional activities for compensation provided that such activities do not cause a conflict of interest and that they are undertaken during annual or personal leave, or at other times which, in the opinion of the Board, do not reduce the availability of the Division Superintendent for fulfilling his full-time responsibilities here under. Pursuant to section 22.1-66 of the Code of Virginia, the office of the Superintendent shall be deemed vacant upon the Superintendent engaging in any other business or employment without such prior approval by the Board.”
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board approve the activity reference in this memo.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Christopher Harris Moved, Member Abdel-Rahman Elnoubi seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends that the School Board approve the activity reference in this memo.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 9 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 9 - 0
Meagan L. Alderton     Yes
Jacinta Greene     Yes
Dr. Michelle Rief     Yes
Kelly Carmichael Booz     Yes
Tammy Ignacio     Yes
Christopher Harris     Yes
Abdel-Rahman Elnoubi     Yes
Dr. Ashley Simpson Baird     Yes
Willie F. Bailey, Sr.     Yes