Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
11/19/2021 - 7:00 PM  
Teaching, Learning and Leadership  
Performing Arts COVID-19 Guidance  
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable):
File Attachment:
Agenda Item Summary:
The purpose of this brief is to communicate new COVID-19 guidance for school Performing Arts Programs. On September 22, 2021, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) issued new interim COVID-19 guidance for music, choir, and performing arts classrooms as listed below. At this time, all schools in Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) have received most of the requested Fine Arts PPE, including bells covers and small face masks. We are awaiting the delivery of medium- and large-size face masks. According to Facilities and Operations, the vendor states that the manufacturer will be completing and shipping our order soon, and we can expect to have it no later than November 30, 2021. The masks will then be sorted and distributed to schools as soon as possible. When the medium and large face masks are delivered, schools will
have the requisite Fine Arts PPE and be able to resume their usual programming.
Under current VDH guidelines, Performing Arts Programs will be in person with required mask use, musical instrument personal protective equipment (PPE), and social distancing measures in
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board review the information in this brief.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Terri H. Mozingo - Chief Academic Officer
Signed By:  
Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. - Superintendent